Our Dog Lovers!
Emily Randall
"Our Angel"
Emily's heart was full of love for any and all dogs. She truly was the most amazing person, she had an endless amount of such wonderful qualities. She was caring, loving, smart, strong, hard working, the funniest person in the world, but most of all she truly had the most beautiful heart and soul.
She wanted to create a sanctuary that would be a haven for dogs and to give them a life full of love.
She will be Emily's Sanctuary's guardian angel and will guide us all to give these dogs the life they deserve.
Nicholas Randall
It was Emily and my dream to one day create a dog sanctuary. Our dream was to name it after our amazing dog Cruze but after I sadly lost Emily I decided to honor her by making "Emily's Sanctuary".
My Beautiful Emily is the guiding light to making Emily's Sanctuary an amazing dog rescue. With her love I know we will save so many dogs lives and make this world a better place.
I know I cannot get Emily back but I know I can carry on her legacy, a legacy full of love.
Casey Heinritz
I have always loved dogs and it has always been my dream to be apart of a dog rescue. It is with great honor to be apart of Emily's Sanctuary.
I have been best friends with Nick for almost 20 years and have been friends with Emily since Nick and her started dating. She was such an amazing person to be around. She was always the light of the room.
I saw how much she loved her dog Cruze and know we will continue to have her love shine with Emily's Sanctuary.
Paul McKinley
I have always loved animals and dogs and it is a great honor to be apart of Emily's Sanctuary.
I have known Nick and Emily for several years and seeing how many times they took there dog Cruze to the park and for walks I know how much they love dogs.
Emily was always such a friendly and kind person and I know her love will continue on at Emily's Sanctuary.
Cruze Randall
"Dog Greeter Specialist"
Cruze is the most amazing and loving dog in the world and will make your day better just by being with him for a minute. He will be the first dog every rescue gets to meet and will make sure they feel loved.
Emily and I rescued Cruze when he was just a puppy and his love has given us the most amazing fulfillment and joy. We know every dog has this love to give and look forward to sharing it with the world.