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Emily's Sanctuary
"Where Love Makes Dreams Come True"

Emily's Sanctuary was created in honor of Emily Neva Randall who sadly passed away on June 28th, 2020. Emily was my best friend, my wife, and my soulmate. She had so many amazing things about her and was the most amazing person I have ever known. Emily and I had a dream of one day retiring and creating a dog sanctuary. Even though Emily is not here I promised her soul that I will make her dream come true and to create a legacy in her honor. Emily's Sanctuary is here to take in dogs that are lost or unchosen, sick or healthy, scared or happy, and give them a haven to call home. We are a sanctuary for these dogs but will help to get them adopted so we can continue to rescue and help more.

Home: Who We Are
Emily's Sanctuary
501(c)(3) Approval Documentation
It is with great honor to display our 501(c)(3) Non-profit status.
All donations made are tax deductible and we thank you for your love and support!
At this time donations can be made through Emily's Sanctuary GoFundMe but soon we will have a link on the website to make direct donations.

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Contact Emily's Sanctuary
678 Spartan Ave
East Lansing, MI, 48823

Home: Contact
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